Advent's people are spiritually vital Christians who express the desire to grow in their faith.
Pictured: Christmas Community Choirs at Advent.
Thank you for visiting Advent's internet home. As you peruse the pages here, we hope you will get a sense of who we are.
Most of the people who have attended Advent for a while describe it as a friendly place where people care about and care for one another. This is certainly part of what makes Advent a special community.
I would add a couple things to that description. Advent is filled with people who are spiritually vital. Whether they are excited about a newfound relationship with God through Christ, or they have been Christians for years, the people here express the desire to grow in their faith. Of course, growing in faith will naturally produce a desire to engage in serving others. People are always surprised that a church the size of Advent does as much for the surrounding community as the people here do.
Wherever you are in your faith, or even if you are just starting to explore the Christian faith, I hope you will consider joining us for worship on Sunday. I promise you will find people who will welcome you here.
Dick McCormick, Senior Warden
Advent is presently in a search process for new clerical and pastoral leadership. During this transition, Pastor Paul Laursen provides spiritual and theological leadership, preaching, counsel and Biblical teaching. Contact him through the church office at (440) 871-6685.